Thursday, April 26, 2007

Words do Hurt

Ever heard the saying, "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" when you was a kid growing up? Well as you probably soon realized there is not an ounce of truth in it! R.C. Sproul in a sermon on the family illustrates this. He was being bullied, and given his mother's advice he quoted to the bullies this child hood phrase, and in so doing, he began to realize what he was saying wasn't true. The words did hurt. I use to sing the cliche when I was growing up and now am dealing with similar issues in the lives of my children--"Your hair cut looks funny;" "You are fat." etc.
When I was the pastor of a small church a lady had me over to her house and wanted me to listen to her in-home police scanner. I could not believe what I heard. The scanner was picking up phone conversations. And the topic of discussion was me! Ever heard of having the preacher for Sunday dinner? Well I was the main course! I knew I should not listen to people's private conversations but I could not help hearing some of the conversation. The things said about me by the people of my flock hurt me and I will never forget them.
Words cannot be taken back once they are out. Even if said in secret they fly away. "A bird of the air may carry your voice, and a bird in flight may tell the whole matter" (Ecc. 10:20) They never knew I had an insight as to what they really thought about me. As far as they were concerned their conversations were confidential and private.
Let us be careful not to say things to or about our family, friends, and colleagues, that we cannot take back--things that will make a permanent scar for them to carry in their souls all of their lives. Words such as: "I hate you." "You are no longer my son." "I don't love you anymore." "You will never amount to anything." "You are stupid." "I wish you would die" should never uttered. They cannot be taken back.
Furthermore, to be a busy body and a gossip is to preach the gospel of Satan! When the tongue is used for destruction it is as if the fires of hell have kindled its work. (James3:6) We should avoid circles of gossip where the tongue loves to do its work. And we should resist the temptation to get in on the "drama" at school, work, and church. The only contribution that can be made is one of an untamed tongue.

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