Wednesday, June 6, 2007

The Sovereignty of God Pt. II (God as Sovereign over Nature)

As noted in the first post on God"s sovereignty, he is sovereign over the affairs of men. I used some of my life experiences to illustrate how he works out his will for our lives even in opposition from the unregenerate as well as some "well meaning" Christians. It is my next point to note the sovereignty of God over the ordering of nature.
"By him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth. All things were created through him and by him. He is before all things, and in him all things consist (Col. 1:16,17). He "upholds all things by the word of his power" (Heb. 1:3).
He is not sovereign "in" nature but "over" nature. Some would have us believe that all of nature is God and all of God is in nature but pantheism and panentheism are heterodox teachings.
God created the world creatio ex nihilo--out of nothing. The natural world obeys his divine directives. Even after the fall all things remain under his dominion.
How many accounts of God's controlling nature do we have? Many! The scripture repeatedly shows God's hand over the elements and creatures both animate and nonanimate of this world. They obey his every whim. All is made subject to him: from the parting of a sea to the calming of the storm; from the consuming judgment of fire on Sodom and the plagues on the king and land of Egypt to filling the people of God with quail and mana; from the saving of a man by a great sea creature to removing his comfort in the shade of a plant caused to grow solely for that purpose and removed by an obedient worm. Even when it comes to natural disaster (a consequence of mans cursed sin), we see that God nevertheless has his hand on it.
Though the evolutionist would have us believe we are the product of chance, God would have us believe otherwise. He is the only "scientific" explanation for intelligent design--an undeniable mark of the natural order. Many scientist miss the simplicity of ex nihilo nihil fit--out of nothing nothing comes! There are many scientists that would have us believe this absurdity and teach it to our children as truth in the schools. It is a lie.
It is God that created the world giving it the characteristic of design and it is God that orders its workings.
The next post will discuss god as sovereign in salvation.

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