Monday, June 4, 2007

Humility and Pride

When one thinks himself humble he is most likely prideful. Conversely one is is most likely humble when he thinks himself prideful.
Just because many are able to keep themselves in an outward appearance of righteousness is no evidence that internally they are not dead. There is no more sadder state to be in than to be sinful and not know it. The one thing that us real sinners can be thankful for as regards our sin (I realize that this is strange talk) is that we are aware of it.
It is like Daniel Boon grinning down a bear to be in the company of the self righteous. The prideful "bear" a face of viciousness that that does not recognize reason. A bear will not be humbled much less slain by the face of the humble.
Though positive outward appearances make one look as if all is well one may still be dead internally. There have been many people die of heart failure that did not have a single sign of outward distress on their body. Many have also been through much outward trauma yet they live.
The sinful have the virtue of humility! What a paradox! It is one of God's dealings with man in that he humbles his pride.
Do I contradict my opening statement? Does Daniel boon grin down a bear with a humble grin? Doubtful!

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