Saturday, March 24, 2007


I was once a legalist, a Pharisee above Pharisees, being young and knowing everything. I was a novice preacher and as such was lifted up with pride. It is a very lofty task to take on the role of judge, juror, and executioner. I was even awarded an award specially customized for me and one other fellow Pharisee in college from the Baptist Student Union--"the hell fire and brimstone award." I still have it and keep it on my desk as a reminder of how not to act.
God has a way of humbling the pride! Take my advice learn the virtue of compassion before you have to learn the lesson of humility. Let me put it this way. If you live by the law you will die by it.
What makes a person so zealous to look at what another person does rather than where one stands (in Christ JUSTIFIED) but a spirit of legalism. An honest look into our own heart on this subject should make us blush at the thought of "fixing" others because they aren't quite up to standard.
Don't get me me wrong I love God's law and we should be concerned with the work spiritual support in one another's lives. But we should be cautious not to cross the line from true spiritual concern for others to being in the business of beating the banner of legalism over their heads. Sometimes I wonder if I did more damage than good as a young novice preacher. I have learned a lot since I knew everything, and God is still working on me. I am not perfect but I am better than I was (joke).

1 comment:

patti said...

But I bet in actuality you are better than you were, because you are more like Jesus. Its true!
Judging is one of the areas that I have actually seen improvement on in my own life. Ive really learned not to judge because im soo capable of the same things as anyone who is involved in gross sin. IN fact my sin is just as odious as anyone elses?