Monday, March 26, 2007

Earthly Possesions

Have you ever wondered why you are not rich? (If you are not.) God knows our hearts and what is best for us. Our faith is strengthened when we have little. It is easy to turn away our trust in God in times of plenty, but when we live day to day, week to week, we always find ourselves dependent on him. Boasting in the Lord's provisions is where our praise should lie. Wealth brings with it the tendency of prideful boasting in what we have and not what God has done for us. I am thankful for a humble living and am tempted to ask for more, rather than trusting God for less. He knows though that I would be to prideful to have more than I do. We should ask for things such as wisdom, a closer walk with God, etc. instead. Such things are priceless.
If on the other hand God has blessed you with much, never forget that this wealth is on loan from God and can be easily removed. I have personally witnessed one strike of lightning (actual lightning) cost one man millions.
Be a good steward and bless those in need. What would be your reply if Jesus said "go and sell all that you have and give to the poor?" Could you part with it?
"You are better off with a little, if having a lot is going to make you conceited" (a Kempis).

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