Monday, March 19, 2007


Sorry I have been away. I guess I had writer's blog (for Leslie).
There is the concept of authority in every aspect of life: civil, domestic, work, but most importantly there is God's authority. In philosophy there is a fallacy called an appeal to authority. But it is not always a fallacy when one appeals to ultimate authority. God has absolute authority, He is Lord of all. He reveals His will to us through His word. What God says is the say all end all. My pastor Dr. Sproul (appeal to authority) commented that the bumper sticker, "God said it. I believe it. And that settles it.", is fallacious. In fact it should state. "God said it! That settles it!" God's authority is still authoritative whether we like it or not.
Do not live another minute without going to God's word to see what it is that He has said concerning how we ought to live our lives. Do not be so presumptuous as to think that all is well in your life at work, at home, or in the church if you have not "tested to see if these things are true" (Acts 17:11). We all have to answer to authority. I am too messed up to be autonomous in this respect and there are too many religious fanatics to take the preacher's word for it. My boss may be wrong and just because it is the law does not make it right.
True authority allows itself to be questioned. The best test to see if you are working for a spiritually mature Christian, or submitting to a spiritually mature husband is to question a specific action on their part. If the pastor gets all flustered and mad he may be a legalistic tyrant and this will be your cue to run as fast as you can, your husband will probably (if he has attained to a level of true spiritual maturity) say "you make the decision." Your boss may fire you! Remember I said question authority, not challenge it! Really, a spiritual mature boss is open to suggestions. Are you?

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