Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Bad Sermons

I love God's word. When we go to church we go to hear God's word. It is the message not the messenger that is important. Every preacher does not have the ability to wax elegant behind the pulpit. But every preacher ought to be able to rightly divide the word of truth. Furthermore a sermon should be moist to the taste and not dry to the soul.
Is it possible for a sermon that contains the very word of God to be a bad sermon? YOU TELL ME!
In the sense that it is the fallible messenger that is bringing the message it can be. I read the bible, even the genealogies, and if you can do that you love the Word!
preachers should ask themselves if what they are saying would be worth hearing if they were on the receiving end.
Forgive me if this complaint is inappropriate. I heard the most boring sermon in my life last Sunday (not at my church). The preacher made sure that we understood that he was not bound by the clock (by way of announcement). [He wasn't bound by way of compassion either with subjecting us to his tedious sermon.] He also said that the church is used to hearing sermonettes because we are Christianettes. I love to hear the word preached and can listen for hours, but in so far as something of substance is being said. I sometimes have the tendency to be critical over theological issues. I have in my mind preached every sermon I have ever heard better than the preacher could. Joking aside though I know its harder than it looks. Point being, say something of substance if you are going to take on the task of preaching God's word. It is not who could do better in this case it is who couldn't. Has the church grown content with preacherettes? P.S. I am sorry for subjecting my fellow Christians to bad sermons and I apologize and hope to never do it again.


U said...
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U said...

Don't get me started on boring sermons. There is nothing quite as sweet as a man delivering God's Word with passion, conviction and precision.

Robert N. Landrum said...

Thanks, Ulyses that is good stuff.

Jason Robertson said...

I forgive you. :) Just kidding... in fact you preached a sermon when we were in college that is still talked about among our colleges. I guarantee that you everybody's attention!