Sunday, August 5, 2007


Lord thank you for the cross. I am aware of your sufferings for me--how you died for my sins. Make me more aware so that I can be closer to you. It is my one desire that I walk with you in your ways. This world and all that is in it is fleeting. It is only a matter of time till we all go into eternity. Give me a taste of your goodness as I suffer this life I now live longing to be with you. No, rather fill me to till I cannot hold anymore with your presence.
Father grant me these three things: To have the mind of Christ that I might know you and your ways , to have the love of Christ that I might love you, and those you have given me to love that are dearest to me. And having given me these as an illumination to my soul give me the compassion of Christ and use me as a light in this world.
Lord forgive me for my childishness and foolishness. Forgive me for talking when I should have remained silent. Forgive me for remaining silent when I should have spoken. Forgive me for loosing my temper in sinful ways. Forgive me for not being patient. Forgive me for slothfulness in your work. For give me for doubting your future provisions. Forgive me for not giving all of my self to my wife and my children as regards this duty. Forgive me for entertaining worldly thoughts and sinful lusts. Forgive me for overindulgence when I should have used moderation. Forgive me for my lack of knowledge in your word. Forgive me for being prideful knowing that a worm has nothing of his own to boast of. Forgive me for not loving as you have loved me. Forgive me for secret sin that is grievous to your spirit and is a cancer to my soul, such sin that I may not even be aware of in my life, because in its very nature it is hidden . It is hidden to me but not to others and most importantly it is not hidden to you. This is probably the worst sin one can have in that I am not privy to its deceitful workings. It is almost worse than presumptuous outward sins in that they rot the interior of the soul in areas unseen, giving the appearance of a sound structure, when in reality there is no soundness at all. Forgive me of all of these and more.
As you see I do not limit your atonement but am in much need of your grace.
And Lord having forgiven me all, help me to forget what is past and press onward having my eyes fixed on you. Robert N. Landrum

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