Saturday, March 14, 2009

Disquietness of Soul and the Remedy to it

There are some of us that suffer with spiritual melancholy and though we know of the cure (Christ) our spirits, nevertheless, are oftentimes despondent, anxious, downcast, tormented, weighted down with the cares of this world, burdened with doubts, assaulted by the devil, and wrongly suffer under a sense of the guilt of sin and dreadful fear of eternal damnation. Like the psalmist so often expressed it is as if God has forsaken us, that he does not hear and answer our prayers, that our bones are broken, that our strength has failed us, and that we are brought to the very brink of death. There are seasons when minutes seem to pass like hours, which in turn seem to pass like days, and days pass like months. Then there are periods of time when our days seem to vanish as quickly as a vapor. There seems to be nowhere for the soul to find comfort and release from such a relentless and horrible condition. No amount of doctrinal understanding, reading, praying, church ordinances, or counseling from ministers and friends will quite our spirits. We seem to be in utter despair and without all hope. being careful that we do not miss the mark of salvation we go too far, becoming sinfully obsessive with the matter. Our minds simply will not give us rest. All is night and there is no sun to shine on our faces. Winter is constant and there are no summer days. There are Storms but no calm.
If this is your case, as it is so often mine, consider this for a possible remedy: There are only four ways to live our earthly lives in lieu of our definite and indubitable eternal destiny that awaits us. (1) We can live with a constant vexation of spirit, which I believe to be more self-inflicted than any thing else, only to find out that we were never saved, and will in the end, after suffering a seemingly hell on this earth suffer a real hell after we die. (2) We can psychologically convince ourselves to go through life with the attitude of eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die; to live without a care in the world, but again only to find out that in the end we are lost. With this approach to life we face sure damnation if we are wrong about what may await us. This does seem to be better though in a sorted sense than suffering twice. (3)We may live with a constant downcast spirit only to find out that in the end we did have saving grace. In essence this is hell on earth and bliss in heaven. Such a state is contrary and inconsistent to the promises, blessings, and the peace (even in the storms of life) that come from knowing God. (4) We can live by faith in Christ for our righteousness and throw sinful concerns and caution to the wind of the Spirit of God, living a life that is free of the heavy burdens that weight us down. It is then that we will enter into heaven having lived as if we are already in its suburbs now. And as if there was no heaven or hell at all, what has one lost? I know that this is not the case though. Let us ask ourselves, "do we really have faith?" Do we really believe that we have Christ for our righteousness no matter our past, present, or future sins? Doubt is a reality but assurance may be obtained. Let us not rest until we have it!
"His favor towards you, will make you blessed; but nothing but the sense of it will cause you to rejoice" Trouble of Mind and the Disease of Melancholy Timothy Rogers P.238).
"Rejoice evermore." (I Thess. 5:16)

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