Friday, April 18, 2008


What does the world of lost sinners do with their guilt? They "let it go" as one prominent talk show host said last night. It is an amazing display of self-deception that convinces one deep down in their soul that guilt can simply be annihilated or abolished from ones life at will. Such a notion finds its warrant from having a healthy self esteem, understanding of self respect, dignity, and proper value of life; all of this being contrary to what God's word has to say on the matter of guilt. This secular notion of letting guilt go is in essence an attack against the conscience, and in turn though more seriously, such a hardening of the heart that it is a sinful display of rebellion from God. That this is such an insult to God we can see in that nature itself condemns man of his guilt, but more so God's word; and the contrast of his holy character to ours unmistakably condemns man for his guilt.
What a terrible day it will be when all the guilt of the sinner is poured out into the soul with all its fury, the conscience not being able to sever itself from the torment of this guilt. This thought in itself ought to be terrible enough to turn one to Christ, but to add the eternal punishment of God to it is a thought most dreadful, an ordeal beyond comprehension!
According to his word God will call into account before us all, on the day of his judgment, deeds done in this life both good and bad. Woe to the ones that have not brought their guilt to be washed in the blood of Christ on that day. If you have not done this now is the time of salvation for you. Christ receives sinners. Guilt that has not been forgiven by Christ will be charged to the sinner, and that without appeal on his part. No objection will be raised in God's court room, and no defense will be launched. The guilty will be charged and he will be without excuse. There will be no exoneration. There will be no denying, rationalizing, explaining away, exceptions given or any such reasoning that will stand before God as leverage for mitigation and the commuting of the sentence of death. To be convinced in ones own mind that he or she is free of guilt and does not deserve to be punished will not be a possibility. God will remove all delusions and possibility for confusion that could lead to reasonable doubt. God will confront the sinner in such a way that it will be self-evident to the mind and soul that he is guilty, all mouths being stopped on the matter, as God is proven true and just, the evidence being irrefutable. This will be a case unlike in the case of a child that does not want to admit his guilt; but would rather have it covered up, over looked, or altogether undiscovered. His attempts to avoid the issue and trying to turn from correction with lies and pleas of exoneration, using justifications such as: "It wasn't me I didn't do it." It wasn't my fault." "You don't understand." "But so and so did the same thing." "What I did wasn't as bad." It's different for me in my case". "He did this or that to me." "Why do I have to anyhow?" "I didn't know." will not be heard. It will not be possible to cloud the facts in that the whole matter is not known or latitude is given as in the instance where a child has been given unlawful liberties, by parents claiming to love their children though with a love that is not of the same sort of love as that of Christian love. Such will not hold up in this court. God's commands and liberties are pure while these are not. This will all be striped of the sinner.
Our worldly contracts that are made for the prevention of confusion are fallible and open for dispute but the infallible word of God will not be up for dispute. The only claim to justification that will be accepted by God is justification that has been freely given by faith in Christ.
There will be no hope apart from this. Worse yet there will be no hope of forgiveness in that the time of repentance will have passed if one delays too long. And consider this, that if the world can "let their guilt go" on the grounds of a lie, how much more ought we who have so graciously been enlightened bring our guilt to Christ, the only place that we might truly and legitimately rid ourselves of guilt, or more precisely be forgiven for it?

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