Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Book Review Gospel Fear

Jeremiah Burroughs' book Gospel Fear is a powerful treaties on the right disposition of a Christian's heart before God and his word. The positive response of a heart that comes under the hearing of God's word is that of a Godly fear and trembling, which in turn, so effects the heart that it melts from its natural state of hardness into tenderness. He contrasts the heart that has been changed such by the Spirit of God with that of a hard heart that awaits the judgment of God. Gospel Fear consists of seven sermons and is well worth the read. Burroughs makes the case and argument, i.e. that our hearts are to be hearts that melt before God, so powerful and compelling that one cannot help but to walk away from his subject matter with just such a heart that trembles before God. I am thankful for the puritan Jeremiah Burroughs for writing this book and Don Kistler for the publishing of it for my reading.

"Though the Lord has all the world where He is, and fills heaven and earth, yet the two great places where He keeps His court are in the highest heavens and in the lowest heart" (Jeremiah Burroughs Gospel Fear Pg. 119).

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