Saturday, July 21, 2007

Health Wealth and Prosperity

The name of Christ is not usually associated with high society. Biblically speaking the gospel is associated with shame and humility. However, throughout church history up until today there are those that manage to distort the true meaning of the gospel, equating it with a message of health, wealth, and prosperity.
The pope's of the time of the reformers were as much extravagant in their lifestyles as the kings and nobility. Today we have preachers that are not the least bit ashamed to beg for money claiming that Jesus (who had no earthly wealth) lived in luxury and would have them and you to to live accordingly. All you need to do is send them a check and wait for God to send you one in turn. (I am not talking about excusing tithing here). Furthermore they claim that one can be cured of all health deficiencies in assembly line type production. And if you would just think positively enough you can be prosperous beyond your wildest dreams.
Of course none of this is biblical. This sort of recipe theology is to be condemned. Indeed the bible condemns all tenants of the health, wealth and prosperity movement.
God usually only provides our daily bread. And it is the poor of this world that become rich in eternal rather than temporal treasures.
This movement is not only seen externally to the mainline denominations. But can even be seen, at least on a low-key level in good bible based churches. And if this be the case let those that think that they can come under the name of Christ for the sake of advancing their business endeavors, make connections with the right people as to be a part of the in crowd, and be counted in the ranks of high society, be labeled the hypocrites they are. They have grossly misunderstood the gospel, and are as transparent as glass when viewed through the lenses of scripture and spiritual discernment. They are fakes. Do not be fooled and taken advantage of by the deceivers!

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